About Me

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I am a medievalist and an adjunct college instructor in the humanities at Union College. My research includes medieval theologies of history, text/image relationships in visionary and mystical texts, and the writings of the twelfth-century Doctor of the Church, St. Hildegard of Bingen. I am also a translator of medieval Latin and German texts, especially as relate to my research. My translation of Hildegard's Book of Divine Works is available from Catholic University of America Press here. I completed a Master's in Medieval Studies at the University of Notre Dame in 2010, a Fulbright Fellowship in Germany in 2008, and a B.A. in Classics and German at Boston College in 2007.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


I just received this prayer request from Lisa, from St. Matthew's in Orange County, California:

Please pray for our parishioner John Clark, his wife Gayle, and their daughter Sara. John suffered a seizure - subsequently a tumor was discovered in his brain. The doctors have said that the tumor isn't the 'originating' place for this cancer. So they're gearing up for full body scans - the prospect of this is frightening.

Deus, qui omnipotentiam tuam parcendo maxime et miserando manifestas, potestatem medicam tuam super tuum famulum, Johannem, infunde, et solatium per gratiam tuam super familiam eius, ut, ad tua promissa currentes, et terrenorum et caelestium bonorum facias esse consortes. Per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum, qui vivit et regnat Tecum in unitate Spiritus Sancti, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.

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