
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

O soror Sapientiae: A Chronogram for the Feast of St. Hildegard of Bingen

From the Stammheim Missal, fol. 11;
Getty Museum, Ms. 64 (97.MG.21))
o soror sapIentIae,
eLeCta et ereCta
Ita qVoD oMnes CreatVrae
per te ornatae sVnt:
nos VIrtVtIbVs fVLgentIbVs LargIter renoVarI
In VIsIonIbVs tVIs horterIs.

O wisdom’s sister,
chosen and upraised
so that all creation
has been graced by you:
in your visions you call on us
to be bountifully renewed with gleaming virtues.